The collaged maps and city plans use the practice of "détournement", a term introduced into the art world by the Situationist International (S.I.) around 1955. This involves rearranging or overwriting existing elements of a pre-existing template. The "Carte de Tendre", an allegorical "map of feelings" used in Madeleine de Scudéry's novel "Clélie" in 1654, is also a reference here.
Tina Born largely uses quotations, fragments from literature, film, philosophy and science, as well as song lyrics in her collaged maps and city plans. In some maps, drawings are added to the text collages, creating a kind of layering of different levels.

  • Ansicht ow

    Glued paperstrips from book, photocopy, drawing on city map
    80 x 60 cm

  • Ansicht ow

    Glued paperstrips from book, photocopy, drawing on city map
    80 x 60 cm

  • Ansicht ow

    Glued paperstrips from book, photocopy, drawing on city map 80 x 60 cm

  • Ansicht ow

    Glued paperstrips from book, photocopy, drawing on city map (detail)

  • Ansicht bp

    Glued laserprint paperstrips, photocopy on city map
    140 x 165 cm

  • Ansicht bp

    Glued laserprint paperstrips, photocopy on city map 140 x 165 cm

  • Ansicht bp

    Glued laserprint paperstrips, photocopy on city map 140 x 165 cm

  • Ansicht bp

    Glued laserprint paperstrips, photocopy on city map 140 x 165 cm

  • Ansicht bp

    Glued laserprint paperstrips, photocopy on city map 140 x 165 cm

  • Ansicht bp

    Glued laserprint paperstrips, photocopy on city map 140 x 165 cm

  • Ansicht bp

    Glued laserprint paperstrips, photocopy on city map 140 x 165 cm

  • Ansicht bp

    Glued laserprint paperstrips, photocopy on city map 140 x 165 cm

  • Ansicht gj

    Glued photocopy, cutting on city map
    25 x 32 cm